Strengthen Your Glutes ~ Avoid the Desk Sentence!

I first heard this term from Sue Hitzmann, the creator of the MELT Method. I want to ensure you understand the impact of these words regarding your own wellbeing. The most powerful muscles in your body are your glutes (gluteus maximus to be exact) and when you sit on...

Prepare your body for Spring Activites!

It’s finally Spring!!!  The weather is warming up, the days are getting longer and everyone is excited about getting outside and walking, jogging, playing tennis or golf.  But, before you do, you need to prepare your body for your exercise program, especially if...

Heat or Ice?

A lot of my patients ask me….”which is better, heat or ice”? Well, this is a tricky question because it all depends on what kind of pain you are treating.  A simple plan to remember is that Ice is for injuries, calming down damaged, superficial...

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid Arthritis is an autoimmune disease in which the body’s immune system attacks joint tissue, causing inflammation of the joint lining.  The goal for a physical therapist is to keep a Rheumatoid Arthritis patient MOVING.  We use exercise and other...


Spondylotisthesis is a condition of the spine whereby one of the vertebra slips forward or backward in relation to the next vertebra.  Forward slippage of an upper vertebra on a lower vertebra is referred to as Anterolisthesis,while backward slippage is referred to as...