It’s finally Spring!!! The weather is warming up, the days are getting longer and everyone is excited about getting outside and walking, jogging, playing tennis or golf. But, before you do, you need to prepare your body for your exercise program, especially if you were a couch potato during the cold weather.
First, it would be a good idea to schedule your yearly doctor exam in the Spring and tell them that you are going to gear up your activity level. If your doctor gives the OK, start with a slow exercise program. An easy walking regimen and a stretching routine, to help prepare you for most casual sports. Start your Spring training with a 10 minute walk every day or every other day for a week, then the next week, walk for 15 minutes and work your way up slowly to a 30-40 minute walk. Stretch as well, using proper techniques. This is a lot slower than most people want to go, but after a month of conditioning, you will have built up enough flexibility and endurance to start a more strenuous exercise program. I see a lot of people in my office during Spring time every year, that have overdone it, either with sports activities or outside chores, such as gardening, raking, etc. If you start conditioning your body now, before you get out there, hopefully your body will stay pain free.
~Peter St.Germain, PT