When is Manual Physical Therapy Needed?

Manual therapy is when the Physical Therapist performs PT services by solely using their hands, in order to improve the patients movement and/or resolve pain.  When is Manual Therapy necessary?  The answer will generally vary greatly depending which Physical Therapist...

Proper Diagnosis

Is it necessary for the physical therapist to get the correct diagnosis from the M.D.? For the most part, no!  The majority of the time, it makes no difference what the physician’s diagnosis is when it comes to the proper diagnosis for physical therapy.  This is...

Less Time – More Money for Treatment?

Is it fair to you as a consumer to get less attention/treatment time for more money? In the physical therapy realm co-pays today are averaging $25-$30/visit. However, many clinics are now seeing 3-4 patients per hour. These physical therapists are unable to spend...

Restoring Function with Physical Therapy

For many years, physical therapists have studied human movement and the science of restoring mobility.  In the 1980’s, physical therapists began to push the idea of “Function”.  Since then, PT educators have given countless lectures on the importance...

Preventing Exercise Injury

Today Americans exercise more than ever before.  We are doing everything from walking, jogging, weight lifting and aerobics to leisure sports/activities such as golf, hiking or tennis.  However, over the past several years, physical therapists and doctors are seeing...

Preventing Exercise Injury

Today Americans exercise more than ever before.  We are doing everything from walking, jogging, weight lifting and aerobics to leisure sports/activities such as hiking or tennis.  However, over the past several years, physical therapists and doctors are seeing an...