Falls Prevention (Part 2)

If a fall has occurred, you should discuss this with your Physician to determine the possible causes and if any changes should be made to your medications or lifestyle..  You should check your home to make sure you have adequate lighting at all times, walk ways are...

Falls Prevention (Part 1)

With the snow falling outside and the slippery conditions that arise at times, people may be at a higher risk for falling outside.  But, did you know falls in general account for a large number of hospital admissions and emergency room visits in people over age 65? ...

The McKenzie Method

Have you heard of The McKenzie Method and wondered “What is this and would it be the right treatment for me”?  If you suffer from spine pain with or without tingling and numbness in the arms or legs, then yes, the McKenzie Method could be right for you. A...

U R What U 8

When I first started practicing Physical Therapy In 1997, I never heard about the importance of your diet regarding pain from arthritis, tendonitis, bursitis, fibromyalgia, polymyalgia, etc.  Over the last 6-7 years, I have been hearing more about the importance of...

Pain In The Neck

Before seeing any clinician for neck pain, you should be checking your pillow to see if it is a “Down” pillow (made with feathers).  Do not go cheap with your pillow, remember you are using it for 8 hrs/day (1/3 of your life).  “Down” is...