I see a lot of people in my practice during wintertime, who have slipped and fallen from icy stairs or walkways.  People are in a rush, but they need to SLOW down when walking on snow or ice.  Here are some tips for walking safely in the winter time.

~ Be aware of snow covered ice, black ice, uneven surfaces and unsalted sidewalks and parking lots.

~ Wear shoes or boots with traction on snow and ice.

~ When getting in or out of a vehicle, use the vehicle as a support.

~ Hold onto banisters tightly as you go down stairs or avoid stairs that are unsalted.

~ When walking on an icy walkway, “shuffle” along by slowly taking short steps and extending your arms out to your sides for       balance, and walk flat footed.

It can take a long time to recover from a serious slip or fall.  If you follow these simple, safe steps, it will reduce your chances of taking a fall and having to come and see me.

~ Peter St.Germain, PT.