Now that the New Year is here, people typically make resolutions – whether it’s to save money, eat healthier, or exercise more. But, sometimes it seems like this time of the year with the shorter days and colder weather, staying motivated to exercise is very difficult.
Exercising, or even just moving around a little more, can have many health benefits, not just weight loss. If you have Arthritis, moving can help keep your joints more mobile and assist with pain. If you have weakness, walking or simple exercises can help you get stronger and make it easier to get around and perform your daily activities. Increased activity can help to raise your Serotonin levels which in turn can help to make you feel happier, which we all need on these cold and dreary days. Exercise can also help to control your blood sugar and help you sleep better.
If it’s too cold for you to exercise outside, there are still plenty of things you can do to keep moving. You can go to a local mall or shopping center and walk, since this will likely be a well-lit and flat walking surface, usually with plenty of places to sit and rest. You can go up and down the stairs in your home if you have steps, or even just perform sit to stands from your kitchen chair. Also, you could do exercise videos, or Youtube channels with workouts. Of course, if you have any medical conditions that might keep you from exercising, you should check with your Doctor first.
If you are not comfortable starting an exercise plan by yourself, speak to your doctor and get a referral for Physical Therapy, where we can develop an individual plan tailored to your needs and abilities.
~Rebecca V. Kane, MS, PT; cert MDT