Urinary incontinence is a loss of bladder control, ranging from a slight, loss of urine after sneezing, coughing or laughing, to complete inability to control urination.

Urinary incontinence is much more common in women than men.  Approximately 30% of women aged 30-60 years suffer from it, compared to approximately 3% of men.

“Stress incontinence” is the most common type of urinary incontinence.  “Stress” refers to the physical pressure on the bladder and muscles involved in urinary control.  This is a sudden pressure such as coughing, sneezing, laughing, heavy lifting or exercise.

Risk factors for incontinence include: obesity, smoking, women (especially if they have had children), old age, diabetes, stroke, kidney disease and spinal cord injury.

Physical therapy can be very effective in retraining these muscles through:  Kegel exercises and Core exercises in standing which involve rotation of the torso.  At Brunswick Physical Therapy we have a pelvic core incontinence plan of care which is very effective in curing urinary incontinence.