People with a history of chronic LBP are much more likely to have poor circulation in the blood supply to their spine. The data also indicates that patients with above normal LDL cholesterol complain of more severe back symptoms and they have occluded arteries more often than those with normal LDL cholesterol.
The bottom line is when your lumbar arteries are not providing the blood supply necessary for health to your spine, pain is the result. These arteries can be severely blocked by calcifications and plaques, resulting in dysfunction, disc disease, bone disease, and pain. The following is some specifics of symptoms related to which artery is impaired.
Decreased blood supply to muscles around the spine show resultant pain related to exercise and muscle atrophy. Decreased blood supply to vertebra show resultant dull, constant pain and disc degeneration. Decreased blood supply to nerve roots show resultant sciatica and radicular pain. Decreased blood supply to the posterior membrane that lines the abdominal cavity and covers abdominal organs show resultant lateral back pain and pain related to hip muscle activity.
Kauppila LI, Mikkonen R, Mankinen P, Pelto-Vasenius K, Mäenpää I. MR aortography and serum cholesterol levels in patients with long-term nonspecific lower back pain. Spine 2004;29:2147-52.