When exercising in the hot and humid summer months, it is important to be aware of the possibility of heat stroke. Here are some tips to prevent heat stroke from happening to you or your loved ones:
1.) Pick the right time of day before you got outside and exercise. Generally, the early morning is the best time to workout, it is cooler.
2.) Stay hydrated, with both water and sports drinks, to replenish your fluids and electrolytes.
3.) Sunscreen is very important. Use a high SPF when working out.
4.) Work out in the shade. Shaded paths, trails or hit the pool!
5.) Wear loose, light colored clothes that will deflect the suns hot rays.
6.) Listen to your body. If you feel dizzy, nauseous or light headed – TAKE A BREAK!
I hope that these quick tips will help you during the summer months. Awareness and prevention are the key to avoiding Heat Stroke and enjoying your summer……stay cool!!!
~ Peter St.Germain, PT